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How to Prepare for a Court Appearance


Are you feeling nervous about your upcoming court appearance? Feeling a little hesitant about stepping in front of a judge is a normal reaction, no matter what the circumstances. Most people find that preparation is key when it comes to dispelling those butterflies in your stomach. They can feel more confident and put-together when they are proactive about taking the steps to prepare for their appearance.

If you’re ready to let go of that nervous feeling and become more confident before court, these are a few of the things you need to do.

Find a lawyer

While some people do choose self-representation, it is always in your best interest to have an attorney represent you. They have the intimate knowledge of the law that you need to get a fair settlement. Depending on the reason for your court hearing, they may even be able to make a case for you to receive a lesser sentence. You can either choose a local attorney that you know and trust or hire one through Attorneys on Demand.

Select witnesses and ensure they come

Witnesses might offer the best testimony you have for your case. Be certain that you know who the other party plans to call as a witness. However, you will ultimately need to spend more time focusing on who you will call as a witness and make sure they will come to the hearing. Give them plenty of advance notice as soon as you receive a trial date. This gives them time to make arrangements to take time off work, find transportation, or any other barrier they could face in attending the hearing.

Choose an appropriate outfit

What you wear and how you present yourself to the court is very important. You only get one chance at a first impression, after all. A judge can form an opinion of you in just three short seconds. Choose an outfit that is formal, modest, and professional to give the appearance that you are trustworthy and well put-together. This is not the time to take great fashion risks with your court appearance outfit. Stick with conservative options in darker colors if you are unsure what type of outfit will work best for you.

Plan your own testimony

You should have a good idea of what you want to say whenever you take the stand. Many people become nervous when asked to give their side of the story and forget important details. Preparing in advance gives you familiarity with what you want to say and how to say it. Be sure to practice your speech loosely at least a few times before you head to your first court appearance. Keep it short but make sure it is long enough to cover all of the necessary main points.

When you have a court appearance scheduled, you can hire a special appearance lawyer to help you come up with a plan. Allow Attorneys on Demand to help you find the perfect lawyer for your appearance so you can rest assured that everything is taken care of in advance.