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Coronavirus And Your Legal Practice

Coronavirus And Your Legal Practice

We’re an American legal company, created to find you a court appearance professional should the need arise. We do this on extremely short notice, having established a broad network of professionals all over the country that you can access with the click of a button. To not write a quick piece on the coronavirus (COVID-19) would be tantamount to negligence on our part, so let’s get started.

First, if you’re sick with the virus, or with any respiratory infection or fever, stay home. Get tested. You don’t want to end up like the attorney who has 50 cases of coronavirus that have been traced back to him. A lot of the work attorneys do can be done from home in this gloriously digital age. You can phone your clients. You can do research from home. You can conduct meetings via Skype.

Your best option, however, is not doing any of that. While we know how you might feel about your cases, and we understand how important it is to serve your clients, the best thing for you to do is get rest. Find other people at your firm who can pick up some of the slack. Lean on your staff. Explain the situation to your clients. Stay in bed, drink plenty of fluids, eat soup - grandmotherly advice, but good advice. You can’t expect to take care of anyone else if you don’t take care of yourself first.

When you can’t make an appearance due to illness, we’re here for you. Get in touch with us and we’ll find someone to cover the appearance for you so you can rest. Our network is full of extremely skilled attorneys; you’re in good hands..

Even if you’re not sick, a degree of social distancing can be quite prudent. Many large law firms are already encouraging their employees to work from home, and you should do the same if you have the tools. Practically speaking, a lot of the work we do can be done remotely, and it reduces everyone’s chances of getting infected.

Monitor instructions from your state’s courts - many are limiting non-essential activities. As of the writing of this article (March 12th, 2020), the situation is still changing rapidly. Jurors may suddenly be dismissed as a result of the virus. Court staff may be limited. Courts are dynamic and full of different people, all of whom could catch the virus - in other words, expect the unexpected.

A final word before we go - excuse the tonal shift. When times are dark - that’s when hope can shine. When the people of a city, a nation, the planet - when they’re all faced with a threat, and they band together in order to help not just themselves, but each other - that’s when we see how great humanity can truly be. Go forward with love in your heart, protect yourself and your neighbors, and we’ll get through this together.