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5 Tips for Getting Off of Probation Early

Attorneys Appearing in Court

Attorneys on Demand, experienced attorneys for local counsel, receives calls from clients all the time asking how and when they can end probation early. There are multiple factors which will determine if and when you’ll have the ability to end probation early, but the following tips are going to help you prepare for your best opportunity.

Don’t violate ANY probation terms

If you’ve violated any probation terms, you’re likely not the best candidate to end probation early. From the start, follow the terms of your probation PRECISELY as your probation and the judge ordered. It’ll show the judge later on that it’s possible for you to be compliant, are well suited to be unsupervised, and follow the rules.

Pay off all court costs and fines

If your court costs, fines, probation fees, and restitution aren’t fully paid off, the judge won’t let you end probation. Check with the probation officer or court to figure out your balance. Keep every receipt to prove all payments.

Do not ask too early

We usually tell our clients the earliest time to file a request to end probation ought to be after you finished at least 50 percent of the probation term. For instance, if you were ordered to a one-year probation, you ought to wait until a minimum of the six-month mark.

Be ready to answer questions from judge

At your court hearing the judge will probably ask you questions about the terms of your probation and your life. Be ready to explain what you actually learned from being on probation, as well as why you’ll never be in trouble again. Be ready to inform the judge about the community service or class you completed, where you’re employed or attending school. The judge is going to want to be reassured that you’re rehabilitated and won’t commit any crimes in the future if he allows you to get off early.

Speak with a lawyer

Your best bet of getting of probation early includes talking to a lawyer and have them assist you in filing a motion to end probation. A lawyer ought to be familiar with your judge and court and will help get you ready for what the judge might do. The lawyer also will file a formal motion on your behalf, as well as include evidence and documents to assist in supporting your case. The lawyer also may have the ability to speak with your probation agent, as well as convince them to create a favorable report on your behalf. If you can’t afford a lawyer, try to contact a lawyer who does complimentary consultations who might have the ability to offer you tips.

Remember that whether or not the judge will allow you to end probation early is fully up to the judge. Every court has different procedures and policies they might follow. You also may speak to your probation officer to check if they’ll send a favorable recommendation to your judge on your behalf. As previously aforementioned, a lawyer will help you through those obstacles.